That is My Nature
Game Three | | Part Four
... How to communicate? I hear.
You met with me, he/she says.
Then your thoughts,
Became my thoughts.
That is my nature.MY DREAM
I know that voice! My voice.
But I have such a small reference library for contact . . .
for tactile speech . . .
Who/what can we/they use for reference points?
Where is my guidebook??
All beings in this universe are like different flowers of various colours.
The yellow one lets the red one shine more.
The blue one gives radiance to the yellow. Each flower in the Garden of God is beautiful in its expression.
Pearly Bubbles
The Glass Beads of Meditation
Sit quietly and relaxed. Let your anxious/angry/fearful feelings surface.
As they do . . .
Breathe in deeply.
And as you breathe out . . . imagine you are blowing a bubble with an opalescent sheen, a pearly detergent bubble.Breathe in deeply again and breathe out.
Push all the anxiety/anger/fear into the bubble.
Do this slowly and empty your lungs.
Do this as many times as you need to empty yourself of this feeling.
Hold the bubble.
Look at the bubble, glisten, reflecting the colours of the rainbow.
Let the bubble go. And with it all your anxiety/anger/fear.Roslyn Colling
Hi Ros,
This meditation I too have come up with and use with my children quite a lot. My 8 yr. old daughter in particular has difficulty sleeping we do this together, and she actually pops the bubbles when she feels she has emptied herself of all the stuff she's been carrying throughout the sleeping pill ever!!!
:-)In the Spirit of Love bubblin' over!
Background music is
by Mars LasarEnd Game Three
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MxM Group all rights reserved