Greetings to the Confederation of Light
It is I,
and today is a beautiful and exciting day. There is much music in my galaxy today. Good music produces much Light.In physics, the ability of sound waves to generate light is called Sonoluminescence. Everywhere there is Sonoluminescence today. There are large bubbles of violet floating outside my picture window.They are musical light bubbles Aphrodite and the Celestial Nymphs are singing along with the violet light.The Spirit of the Law reigns supreme over the letter of the law.
Do not spend too much time attempting to decipher hieroglyphics and occult monographs. The Spirit of the Law is love and St. Augustine admonishes all to "Let go and let God." In many texts you can find paradoxes and contradictions. In our galaxy, there is Text To Time(TTT) software which enables multidimensional time travel. Test the spirits to see if they are true.
Your inner voice comes from a nonlocal dimension. The subconscious contains a wormhole to other universes. Sit quietly and let your inner voice talk to you. You are not simply talking to resynthesized readings of printed matter or spoken dialogue. You are in communion with your own personal Immanence. Once you realize this, Immanence and Transcendence become Unity. They are opposite sides of the same coin.
Many novices make the mistake of thinking they can know everything. It is impossible to know everything. To know everything one must know all the trillions of forms in nature and their subatomic configurations. One must also know all thoughts of all entities past, present and future.
There is no one who knows everything. One must know all possible paths of the wave function, which amounts to knowing everything that has happened, is happening, or can possibly happen.
Over a hundred years ago, Poe wrote a prose poem and called it Eureka. In this tract, he laid the foundations for the theory of the Big Bang. The Big Bang is universally accepted by almost all cosmologists in every corner of our universe. It is proven by the existence of the microwave background radiation. For many attempts have been made to prove that the background radiation might be coming from a nearby galaxy or dark matter. But all these attempts have failed. The uniform nature of the background microwave radiation is such that there is no other explanation for its existence except the Big Bang.
Just as the Big Bang singularity seems to have arisen *ex nihilo* in a pure vacuum, so too does your inner voice materialize through a wormhole. Hawking raises the possibility that vacuums and black holes might be fed from other dimensions through wormhole tunneling.
The Casimir effect has been proven to exist. This happens when energy arises in a vacuum. This is an oversimplification. There are actually complex relationships between matter and antimatter, electrons and photons, leptons and fermions, etc. Some estimates are that there is enough energy in a vacuum the size of a coffee cup to provide electrical power for a thousand large cities. This energy is sometimes known as Zero Point Energy and is generated by virtual photons and electrons. These virtual particles only exist for fractions of a nanosecond but if our Light Workers find a way to harness these particles, there will be a massively parallel reorganization of energy distribution.
New technologies will run on Light Energy and toasters and household appliances will no longer have to be plugged into walls. The Casimir effect will produce virtual particles which will be transformed into powerful units of pure energy. Casimir Power Packs are not yet available in the Milky Way. There are currently many research projects devoted to Zero Point Energy, but most of them are considered crackpot.
There are meteorologists who claim that ball lightning does not exist. That is because they have never seen it. Ball lightning is real and may be produced by music or other sound waves. This may sound like the craziest idea you have ever heard but it may not be crazy enough. For one day, as I played a Solar Keyboard in a band led by Aphrodite and the Celestial Nymphs, ball lightning exploded in a flash. The ball lightning was about the size of a small compact four passenger vehicle.
Everyone became quite nervous at the appearance of this ball lightning, but I just laughed. There were no voices coming from the ball lightning but the next day I saw little balls of light dancing on plants outside my window. Ever since then, I have believed in the power of Zero Point Energy as a manifestation of the Casimir effect.
Your Humble Servant,
Craig Clark
January 3, 1998
THE Men in Black have arrived!
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