Part Five
Please, just before going to sleep,
look up for a while at these bays and straits again, with all their stars, and
don't reject the ideas or dreams that come to you from them.
Herman Hesse
Magister Ludi
Ullman in his paper, Dreams, Species-Connectedness, and the Paranormal, makes an interesting point about consciousness being nature's way of making humans behave cooperatively. In Ullman's view, consciousness is not just our personal recollection or reflection. It is not a property of a brain in isolation but of a brain in communication with other brains. Thus we are conscious because we are in comunication with other human beings. Even though it appears that our being is centered in our brains, if consciousness is the relating of one brain with another,then one's being is centered not in one's self but in the relation between one's brain and others.Maybe we are missing the point in looking for consciousness in individual brains. My consciousness is changed every time I am in relationship with anybody. Thus it may be that my consciousness does not exist just under my skin but also out there.
Now why should my consciousness exist in such a bizarre manner?
Perhaps the answer lies in the survival value of having consciousness exist as an extended field out of which both space-time-matter and thinking-feeling-intuiting all arise. Following this line of thought events arise.
They have components, aspects that manifest both as measurably evident in space-time coordination and immeasurably evident but equally significant as feelings and intuitions.
During dreams we reexperience the wholeness of the events of our lives.
This process involves interference patterns of quantum physical correlations in our brains.
If the patterns reinforce,
the dream is integrated.
If the patterns interfere,
the pattern is erased.Either way, we learn to survive.
--- the dreaming universe (189)
Fred Alan Wolf (1994)
Another *key*?
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New Game Theory