Please, just before going to sleep,
look up for a while at these bays and straits again, with all their stars, and
don't reject the ideas or dreams that come to you from them.Herman Hesse
Magister Ludi
If you don't have FutrTools, then you need to preprogram your mind manually.Before you go to sleep, REPEAT in YOUR MIND the FOLLOWING scenario.
Have a pen/pencil handy to record the output from your dreams & travels.
Be prepared to write in darkness.
And always affirm
For the highest good
With an open heart
And an open mind
I travel
I am protected by the blue/white light
I will remember
What I need to know
In a format that I can comprehend
Your ticket please
Track 2 and 17Do you know what this means?
Played: Solo
Status: Closed but available in archives
A totalitarian regime has control of your state
Police/troopers follow any and every one
You are at a hotel
You are in a room looking through the window onto a viewAction
You turn and speak to a man standing in front of a picture on the wall
He opens part of the picture to reveal a wall safe
Inside are small drawers which hold keys
He says: "These are the keys to the many freedoms."What do you do in this Now Moment?
Write your answers after your dreams.
Archive | Game One | Part Three